Notices of offline repeaters

FASMA personnel from time to time will review our listings of coordinated repeaters.  This is done from within the service area at a close location to the repeater using an HT or mobile radio, which guarantees the repeater should be able to be keyed up and tested.  FASMA will ID, we don’t just kerchunk repeaters either.  If we find one to be offline during testing, we will follow up with a notice similar to the below example.

As we have models based on the coordination now, we can be sure we’re testing from the coordinated service area.  This prevents holding a coordination for a repeater on a 200 meter tower but where the trustee has it really operating from his garage as they have lost the site.  We also test that it can be used per the coordinated PL or access tone, to verify it’s not just a beacon.

If you receive one of these notices, please update us via email, and submit a new coordination form.  If the system is offline for maintenance, simply let us know when it’s back online.  We don’t want to de-coordinate anyone without cause, but it’s good amateur practice to relinquish a coordination if you’re offline with no plans to go back in operation.

Example notice:
 Dear Bryan Fields, W9CR,
 Your repeater, Record: 1496, Callsign: W9CR, on 224.0600 has been identified as
 being off air during an audit of coordinated repeaters in the area.  The
 repeater was checked from an HT a 5w at approximately 30m of height within your
 repeater's service area.  Your listed CTCSS of: 146.2 was tried for the repeater
 in addition to the standard PL tones for the area.
 Please respond to this email with an update on this or let us know if your
 repeater is permanently off the air.  Under FASMA policy a repeater
 coordination may be revoked if the repeater is offline without explanation for
 60 days or more.  It is incumbent on the trustee to let FASMA know about any
 operational changes to the repeater as well.
 If any of the operational paramaters have changed, please submit an updated
 coordination form.  The PDF form and information may be found on our website
 Your repeaters information is below:
 Record ID      : 1496
 Callsign       : W9CR
 Output Freq    : 224.0600 MHz
 Bandwidth      : 20.000 KHz
 Emission 1     : 16K0F3E
 Emission 2     : NULL
 ERP            : 321 Watts
 Antenna Height : 106.00 Meters
 Access Tone In : 146.2 Hz 
 Access Tone Out: 146.2 Hz
 DCS TONE       : 
 County         : Polk
 City           : Lakeland
 Lat, Lon       : 27.94, -81.91
 Holder         : Florida Simulcast Group, Inc.
 Trustee        : Bryan Fields, W9CR
 Model          :
 Note the model can be loaded in google and is a standard format KML file.  This
 is automatically generated based on your location, antenna height, ERP and
 Thank you,
 Florida Amateur Spectrum Mangement Association, Inc.

New Coordination Form and Site Updates

FASMA has updated it’s coordination form in an effort to reduce errors in coordination applications.  A new detailed reference page has been created to walk a trustee through the process of filling out the application.


The website has been updated, along with the Itinerant Repeater Policy moving from a proposed standard to a working standard.


Lastly we’ve updated our Library with links to the FASMA policies/theory/band-plan and a wealth of other coordination knowledge.


As always we welcome feedback to

444.2750 W4VCO Polk City

444.2750 W4VCO is coordinated in Polk City, it’s a DMR repeater CC1 for access.

444.2750|449.275|7K60FXE|NULL|NULL|NULL|1|1|1|2|0|||||1277|1|W4VCO|Julian A. Homan, W4VCO|Polk City|2020-05-05|2019-11-15|28.20|-81.79|91.44|GTOWER|455-5N|233|12.500|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|1||0|0|0|0||0||0|0|0|N|0||0


444.6500 AJ4IR Cocoa Beach

444.6500 – AJ4IR – Cocoa Beach

This is an update from the Indian River ARC on their 444.6500 repeater.  The callsign and ERP was updated.


444.6500|449.65|16K0F3E|NULL|107.2|107.2|NULL||NULL||0|||||419|1|AJ4IR|Indian River Amateur Radio Club, Inc|Cocoa Beach|2020-04-29|2020-04-29|28.35|-80.78|78.00|LTOWER|455-5N|430|25.000|46|98|NULL|NULL|1||0|0|0|0||0|http://irarc.ham-radio-op.|1|0|0|N|0||0

You may find more information on there website here


224.1200 AJ4IR Cocoa-West

224.1200 AJ4IR Cocoa-West

This 220 repeater is wideband FM on 224.1200 with a 123.0 PL.

It is coordinated as of today, and you may find more information on the Indian River Amateur Radio Club Website

224.1200||16K0F3E|NULL|123.0|123.0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|1507|1|AJ4IR|Indian River Amateur Radio Club, Inc.|Cocoa West|2020-04-29|2020-04-29|28.36|-80.75|119.00|GTOWER|SD214-SF3P|177|20.000|49|92|NULL|NULL|1||NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|http://irarc.ham-radio-op.|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL




441.8000 KM4HJJ Pompano Beach

441.8000 KM4HJJ Pompano Beach

This is a wideband FM and Yaesu Fusion repeater.  CTCSS is 110.9 Hz

441.8000|NULL|16K0F3E|9K36F7W|110.9|110.9|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|1|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|1495|1|KM4HJJ|Terry Delmonaco|Pompano Beach|2020-04-29|2020-04-29|26.22|-80.09|100.00|BANT|BOA4357|68|25.000|39|83|NULL|NULL|1||NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

Granted as of today, with the service contour below.


443.5000 KO4SRC Milton

443.5000 KOSRC is online and coordinated.  They are DPL only with a code of 023

443.5000|448.5000|16K0F3E|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|1502|1|KO4SRC|RRPA - PACE RANGE|Milton|2020-04-29|2020-04-29|30.65|-87.16|36.50|TANK|X50A|126|25.000|42|107|NULL|NULL|1||NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL||NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

The RRPA website has more information on this repeater.



443.3125 KM4ECQ Avon Park

New repeater coordinated to KM4ECQ in Avon Park.  This is a MMDVM multi-mode repeater.

KM4ECQ has a website here

443.3125|448.3125|7K60FXE|4K00F1E|NULL|NULL|1|NULL|1|NULL|NULL|NULL|1|293|293|1506|1|KM4ECQ|Ryan J. Haynie|Avon Park|2019-04-01|NULL|27.60|-81.51|9.14|Ltower|X30A|70|12.500|27|74|NULL|NULL|1||NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|1||1|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

443.3125 KM4ECQ Avon Park
443.3125 KM4ECQ Avon Park

442.2000 Sarasota W2DEN coordination

This is an existing repeater but the coordination never made it from the FRC into FASMA.  We’ve worked with the trustee to model and update our records.  This is coordinated as of today.

442.4000|447.4000|16K0F3E|NULL|100.0|100.0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|1505|1|W2DEN|Sarasota Digital Group|Sarasota|2020-04-14|2020-04-14|27.15|-82.46|91.50|NULL|NULL|100|25.000|35|73|NULL|NULL|1||NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL


444.6125 K4AUS Tavares Coordination

Granted as of today.

444.6125|449.6125|7K60FXE|11K2F3E|103.5|103.5|1|NULL|NULL|NULL|0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|1500|1|K4AUS|Lake County Sheriff’s Office|Tavares|2020-03-22|2020-03-22|28.80|-81.72|38.00|BANT|DB408|151|12.500|32|71|NULL|NULL|1||NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL||1|NULL|NULL|0|NULL|NULL|NULL

