
Coordination listings are updated every day and provided as pipe “|” delimited files for the entire state.   There are two files provided, a coordinated listing of valid coordination’s and an uncoordinated and old data listing.  The data is not perfect; please report any inaccuracies to and we’ll get it corrected asap.

The format is as follows:

| output | input | emission1 | emission2 | ctcssIn | ctcssOut | dmrCc1 | dmrGc1 | dmrCc2 | dmrGc2 | fusion | fusionDsq | nxdnRan | p25NacOut | p25NacIn | recordId | coordinated | callsign | holder | city | coordDate | updateDate | latitude | longitude | agl | structure | antenna | erp | chanSize | svcRing | intRing | adj1Ring | adj2Ring | modeled | modelUrl | autopatch | autopatchClosed? | bilingual | dtmf | dtmfSeq | p25Phase1 | url | linked? | litz | races | remoteBase | weather | weatherDtmfSeq | wideAreaCoverage |