Prior Coordination Notice Procedures

Prior Coordination Notices (“PCN”) are notices sent between coordination bodies informing the others about coordination activities which may affect the other bodies area of operations.  The body receiving the PCN should reply in a short period of time stating they are not opposed to it, or stating their opposition to the coordination being granted.

FASMA has a standard of any repeater within 200km of a state border being subject to PCN.  If a repeater is within 200km and unless the interference contour shows no interference overlapping the state line, a PCN will be sent to the appropriate state.

FASMA recognizes the following adjacent coordination bodies: Each body has exchanged authorized emails for PCNs to be send and received from and updates FASMA from time to time as needed.  FASMA has asked all PCNs to be sent to pcn at via unique emails not copied to others, as this makes a ticket per email.

FASMA will send a PCN in the following format via email to the appropriate contact(s) at the adjacent states:

I'm with FASMA and we are sending notice of proposed coordination for this
repeater below.

As this is <200 km from the state line we are making a PCN notice regarding
this repeater.  You may find the models for the service contour and
interference contour below.  The kmz can be loaded natively in google earth.

If more than one frequency is listed, you may respond with one which works
best of multiple listed.  Your prompt response is requested.

Barring no objections in 15 business days, we will consider the notice

=====BEGIN PCN DATA=====
Record ID          : 1425
City               : St. Petersburg
Lat, Lon           : 27.77, -82.63
Proposed frequency : 444.3750 (or more)
Channel Bandwidth  : 25.000 KHz
Emission 1         : 16K0F3E
Emission 2         : 8K10F1E
Antenna Model      : DB420
Antenna Height AGL : 115.82 Meters
ERP                : 125.0 Watts, +50.97 dBm
Service Contour    : 80 km
Interferer Contour : 120 km
Model              :
=====END PCN DATA=====

Thank you for your assistance and 73,
The above format may have multiple frequencies listed in order of preference. The model may be loaded in google earth to be viewed.  Height is given as meters above ground level (AGL).

FASMA requests a similar format from each coordination body, and at minimum the following data must be supplied:
  • Location (city)
  • Latitude and longitude in decimal degrees to two decimal places
  • Frequency(ies)
  • Channel bandwidth
  • Emission(s)
  • ERP (Effective Radiated Power) referenced to a dipole
Upon receiving a PCN, FASMA will add it to out DB with a callsign of the coordination body acronym, model it, and then check if it will cause any harmful interference to or from our coordinated repeaters.  We will approve or deny it via our ticketing system in 15 business days.  In any correspondence it is imperative the [PCN #nnn] field in the email subject be preserved or it will cause confusion across multiple tickets.

FASMA maintains an informal Slack chat and all adjacent coordination body members have been invited to use it as well.  All updates and formal notices must go via email into the ticketing system for transparency.  Please note any emails sent to FASMA are subject to disclosure under open records requests.