Florida Repeater Council, Inc.
Minutes of Business Meeting
September 13, 2003
Melbourne, Florida


The open forum was started at 3:00 PM on September 13, 2003 by President Ray
Kassis, N4LEM.  The following staff was in attendance:

Directors in attendance were:
   District 1:
   District 2: Mark Filla, KS4VT
   District 3: Karen Power, KD4DJX
   District 4: Mike Fletcher, NI4M
   District 5: Ralph Betts, KC4SGG
   District 6: Dave Armbrust, AE4MR
   District 7: Ted Wirick, W4YJC
   District 8:

Staff Members in attendance were:

   President: Ray Kassis, N4LEM
   Vice President: Ira Bickham, K8HRR
   Secretary/Treasurer: Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK
   Database Manager: Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK

President Kassis introduced himself and welcomed all present.  The first part
of the meeting would be an open format, where anyone could express any
thoughts. This portion of meeting would lead into the formal portion of the
meeting where no participation by the members would be allowed. No roll call is
conducted during the open forum but the districts are well represented.

Dan Derwart, KE4GWT, is the trustee of the 444.600+ repeater in Winter Park.
He plans to move the repeater 5 miles west and to 200 feet but the
uncoordinated upside-down repeater is causing a feedback loop.  The coordinator
explained that the Tampa repeater is not coordinated; therefore the FCC will
need to get involved.  Last contact with Riley Hollingsworth was about a year
ago.  President Kassis recommended that the owner submit request for change in
parameters to the coordinator.  An offer to supply a CTCSS board was made but
refused.  The Tampa repeater is carrier access and passes tone.  Director Mike
will help resolve the situation.

Ray Vaughan, KD4BBM is the trustee of the 146.760- MHz repeater in Coral
Gables.  An adjacent-channel repeater is in-service on 146.775- MHz only 8
miles away.  Ray has been in contact with Director Nilo, who said he would
resolve the situation but nothing has been done.  The coordinated 146.775
almost meets the adjacent-channel requirement but it is apparently
out-of-service and a new repeater is in-service in a new location with a
different call sign.  The repeater's deviation is estimated at 2 kHz in and 6.5
kHz out.  This is causing considerable splatter to the 146.760-.  The
coordinator reported that the 146.775- was coordinated in 1994 but is
conditional due to adjacent channel conflicts.  The 146.775- can be
de-coordinated but the FCC would need to get involved to remove it from the
service.  Its coordinated location is Miami but no enclosing streets are
indicated.  Current location is Hialeah at Palm (zero) Avenue & 35th Street.
Coordinates are 25 deg 51 min 13 sec by 80 deg 16 min 58 sec.  Ray will confirm
GPS coordinates of the operating 146.775-.  Last update of the 146.775- was 3
years ago.  The voice identifier is also over-deviating.

Steve Zingman, N4IRS inquired about a proposal or request to change to the 900
MHz band plan (away from the ARRL plan) in use by the SouthEast Repeater
Association (SERA).  Director Mike indicated he received correspondence
concerning this change.  The change is an increase of repeater split from 12 to
25 MHz.  This would alleviate interference from part 15 devices (cordless
phones, video rabbits) and allow commercial equipment to be more easily
adapted.  Weak signal users would move down 500 kHz.  Mike indicated he would
like to present the proposal during the business meeting, publish it and vote
on it at Orlando.

Mario Leiva, KR4DQ indicated his 1,000 foot repeater on the Dade/Broward border
is suffering interference from a television station remote on 450-451 MHz.  A
friend is coordinated on 442.525+ and would be willing to relinquish it.  There
is a paper co-channel is in Delray Beach (last update in 1994).  Mario's
existing 444.350+ would move further south (about 50 miles) and lose antenna
height.  Director Mark has no objection to this change and will send direction
to de-coordinate Delray Beach.

Vince Weil K4JC of Sebastian (Indian River county) indicated he had applied for
a 2-meter repeater that is paper in Vero Beach (145.410-).  This repeater has
been inactive for 3 years.  The trustee of the Vero Beach coordination
indicated to Vince that the pair is inactive and he has no immediate plans to activate.
The coordination has been updated recently.  The 60-day confiscation procedure
was described to Mr. Weil.  He was directed to place his repeater in service
and notify the director who will notify the coordinator.  [Coordinator's note:
QRZ reports Mr. Weil's address is Three Way, Tennessee, effective 11/29/03.]

President Kassis thanked all who attended and expressed their opinions.


The business meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM on September 13, 2003 by
President Ray Kassis, N4LEM.  The Secretary determined that a quorum of
qualified Directors were in attendance:

Directors in attendance were:
   District 1:
   District 2: Mark Filla, KS4VT
   District 3: Karen Power, KD4DJX
   District 4: Mike Fletcher, NI4M
   District 5: Ralph Betts, KC4SGG
   District 6: Dave Armbrust, AE4MR
   District 7: Ted Wirick, W4YJC
   District 8:

Staff Members in attendance were:

   President: Ray Kassis, N4LEM
   Vice President: Ira Bickham, K8HRR
   Secretary/Treasurer: Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK
   Database Manager: Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK


Report deferred.


The minutes of both February meetings (2/1/03, 2/8/03) have been posted on the
FRC web site.  Director Mike made a motion which was seconded by Director Mark
to waive reading the minutes and approve them as posted.  Motion passed

The newsletter was mailed during the 3rd week in August.  Of the 634 mailed, 60
came back.  The directors have picked through the returns to research


The FRC Secretary/Treasurer reported the following:

Opening balance, 2/5/03:  $7,712.99
Income:                   $1,919.98
Expenses:                 $1,153.94
Balance: 9/11/03:         $8,479.03

Paypal donation system was activated soon after the February meeting.  To date
$264 (after Paypal fees of 59 cents per transaction) has been donated.


The database currently contains 1,123 repeaters.  A list of repeaters to be
omitted from next report to the ARRL has been posted on the web site.  The
database manager has requested that the directors not update repeaters unless
the trustee has specifically requested it.  Simply updating because the
repeater is known active relieves the trustee of his responsibility.

Fifty-nine coordinations or transfers were completed to date.  Also, one
frequency change was approved.  Fourteen repeaters were decoordinated, fourteen
approved relocations.

There are fifteen pending applications to be processed.


District 1: No report.

District 2: 442.600 and 44.625 were coordinated and active, 145.190 was
de-coordinated.  KD4CPG in Jupiter had requested a change of location for his
443.800+ repeater.  He was supposed to submit the request.  The coordinator did
not know if a request had been submitted and explained the order in which
incoming applications are processed.  For example, short-forms are processed
first.  444.125 WPB is active. For the 146.880 new hardware was received from
Motorola.  Database manager was not notified.  Coordinator reports no 443.800
in the district.  147.120 operational but on list of repeaters to be omitted.
146.985 is now coordinated to NERD group.  146.865 was issued to Archie
147.015 uncoordinated move in Miami.  Coordinator reports receiving nothing.

District 3: Eric Power reporting 146.61, 146.85 444.425 transferred.
Okeechobee repeater transferred.  442.250 Cocoa Beach de-coordinated.  146.715
down for repair.  147.105 down for repairs.

District 4: Quiet except for upside-down 440 repeater.  145.130 issue was
resolved but continue to receive emails requesting coordination, which is not
possible due to co-channel in Venice.  Some hams think that a coordination is
sold along with repeater hardware.  Bartow owner that requested coordination,
was erroneously issued a pair has installed a repeater on 146.550 out, 147.550
in.  To prevent errors in the future, it might be a good idea for the directors
to review the coordination before it's issued.  It was decided to add all
directors to the distribution list for applications and updates submitted
on-line.  The 147.105 in Punta Gorda has made changes to reduce coverage
overlap with Tampa.

District 5: Coy Hilton complained about the delay in transferring the
coordination on 145.13 and obtaining the 146.700.  Both were completed.

District 6: All quiet.

District 7: All quiet.

District 8: All quiet.


The Coordinator was directed to allocate two pairs in the sub-442 band for
state-wide emergency use.  A request for four frequencies has been submitted
to FADCA (Russ Oder, N4KOX).  President Ray asked Bill Sinbine, N4XEO to check
into it.  Nothing received to date.  FADCA has designated 145.090 MHz for
emergency data use.

The Database Manager has setup a server that allows the FRC staff to search and
print database records.  It has unlimited access. The Database Manager will
notify staff of any changes to the web IP address.

Two newsletters will be mailed to each coordinated trustee by first-class mail
per year.


A motion was made by Director Mike to designate repeater pairs 441.725+,
441.750+, 441.775+ statewide for transportable, temporary repeaters used only for
emergencies.  Motion was seconded and passed.  A motion was made to
designate the repeater pair 146.550 (output), 147.550 (input) statewide for
transportable, temporary repeaters used only for emergencies.  Motion was
seconded and passed.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to implement the following policy
immediately:  When a new repeater coordination is approved, a conditional,
non-renewable, six month coordination will be issued.  Once the District
Director and Coordinator are notified that the repeater is in-service, a full
two-year coordination will be granted.  A repeater will be considered
uncoordinated on the expiration date of the coordination, even if the repeater
is still in-service.   It is solely the repeater trustees’ responsibility to
renew the coordination before its expiration date if they wish to remain
coordinated.  If the two-year coordination expires it may still be renewed
during a six-month grace period after expiration date.  If the coordination
is not renewed during the six-month grace period, the pair will become
immediately available to be reissued at the end of the six-month grace period
without notice.  A coordination cannot be renewed after the six-month grace
period.  An application for new repeater coordination would need to be
submitted.  Effective immediately, no new or renewal repeater coordinations
will be granted without an expiration date.  Without exception, no coordination
will be renewed if the repeater is not in-service.  An exception or extension
can be granted by the Board of Directors in the event a repeater is under
repair or is relocating.  Expired repeater coordinations will be listed on the
Council web site, http://florida-repeaters.org/.  A letter will be mailed to all
trustees that have not updated their coordination in the last two years stating
that their coordination has expired and will be revoked if an update is not
submitted.  If the letter is returned undeliverable, then the coordination will
be immediately revoked.  After 3/1/2006, the only notice a coordinated trustee
will receive is an entry in the list of expired coordinations on the Council web

A motion was made, seconded and approved to re-designate the Orlando HamCation
as the permanent meeting place for the annual business meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM by President Ray Kassis.

Respectfully submitted
Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK