Florida Repeater Council, Inc.
Minutes of Annual Business Meeting
February 8, 2003
Orlando, Florida


The open forum was started at 2:08 PM on February 8, 2003 by President Ray
Kassis, N4LEM.  The following staff were in attendance:

Directors in attendance were:
   District 1: 
   District 2: Mark Filla, KS4VT
   District 3: Karen Power, KD4DJX
   District 4: Mike Fletcher, NI4M
   District 5: 
   District 6: Dave Armbrust, AE4MR
   District 7: Ted Wirick, W4YJC
   District 8: Frank Butler, W4RH   

Staff Members in attendance were:

   President: Ray Kassis, N4LEM
   Vice President: Ira Bickham, K8HRR
   Secretary/Treasurer: Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK
   Database Manager: Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK

President Kassis introduced himself, welcomed all present and said that he is
honored to serve as President although elections will occur later.  He
explained that we had a meeting the previous week at the Miami hamfest and
there was considerable discussion of the choice of meeting places.  Miami
provided us a good meeting place.  The first part of the meeting would be an
open format, where anyone could express any thoughts. This portion of meeting
would lead into the formal portion of the meeting where no participation by the
members would be allowed.  No roll call is conducted during the open forum but
the districts are well representative.

The choice of meeting place was discussed.  Last Orlando hamfest, we were
placed in the corner of a swap table room, and it was very noisy and nearly
impossible to conduct a meeting.  Several suggestions were made.  The subject
will be discussed via email and announced in the newsletter.

Mr. and Mrs. Wally Cashwell complained that his name was misspelled in the
December 2002 newsletter.  Wally explained the technical operation of his 
repeater.  Considerable discussion followed.

George Jones W4AQR indicated his 444.000 repeater in Seffner was coordinated
but somehow got dropped from the database.  Since then, another repeater was
coordinated on the same frequency.  He reminded everyone that not all owners
have access to the web site and de-coordination paperwork needs to be mailed.
Director Mark mentioned that paperwork mailed typically gets returned and is no
longer sent.  George stated that he recently sent an application for a new
pair.  The database manager stated that the 1993 database was the last in which
George's repeater was listed.

The staff was thanked for all the hard work.

A co-owner of the WA4HJM repeater in Dundee mentioned that his repeater will 
be dropped from the repeater directory.  The staff informed him of his 
responsibilities to report repeater status.  Considerable discussion about 
dealing with paper repeaters followed.

President Kassis thanked all who attended and expressed their opinions.  The 
Directors introduced themselves to the group.


The business meeting was called to order at 2:55 PM on February 8, 2003 by
President Ray Kassis, N4LEM.  The Secretary determined that a quorum of
qualified Directors were in attendance:

Directors in attendance were:
   District 1: 
   District 2: Mark Filla, KS4VT
   District 3: Karen Power, KD4DJX
   District 4: Mike Fletcher, NI4M
   District 5: 
   District 6: Dave Armbrust, AE4MR
   District 7: Ted Wirick, W4YJC
   District 8: Frank Butler, W4RH   

Staff Members in attendance were:

   President: Ray Kassis, N4LEM
   Vice President: Ira Bickham, K8HRR
   Secretary/Treasurer: Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK
   Database Manager: Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK


The meeting was then turned over to Vice President Ira Bickham Jr., K8HRR who
entertained nominations for President.  Director Mike nominated Ray Kassis.
Nomination was seconded and approved. President Kassis re-appointed Vice
President Bickham then entertained a motion to re-appoint Dana Rodakis, K4LK as
Secretary, Treasurer, Coordinator, Database Manager, and Webmaster, Matt Bush,
KA9RIX as 6-meter coordinator; and to re-elect the Directors of districts 2, 4,
6 and 8.  All nominations were seconded and passed.


Secretary Rodakis read the minutes of the business meeting held last week in
Miami.  The minutes have been posted on the FRC web site.  Director Nilo made a
motion which was seconded by Director Mark to approve the minutes of the
February 1, 2003 meeting as posted.  Motion passed unanimously.


The FRC Secretary/Treasurer reported the following accounting:

Opening balance, 8/6/02  $8,795.99
Income:                  $1,240.00
Expenses:                $2,323.00
Balance: 2/5/03:         $7,712.99

Income from the ARRL in April will be $883.


The Council web site receives 30 hits per day.  Repeater listings updated.
Region names have been expanded so that they sort properly.  The FRC district
map has been updated as requested.  The red and white in the map does not print
well and needs a little more work.  The Directors praised the website for the
wealth of information it contains.


All applications and updates have been processed except those that required a
search to be presented to an applicant.  Waiting for responses from the
applicant.  Two are in district 8.

Ninety-nine coordinations or transfers were completed last year.  Also, three
frequency changes were approved.  Forty-four repeaters were decoordinated, four
approved relocations. There are 1,114 repeaters in database.

The repeater listings on the web site are now filtered to include only those
that have filed the required updates.  The database still contains all known

Motion was made to accept these reports as read.  Motion was seconded and 
passed unanimously.


District 1: No report.
District 2: Nothing new since last week.
District 3: Director Karen received the returned newsletters and contacted 
the trustees to send updates.  Frank Bryne has passed away and should be
de-coordinated.  Eric Power was named Vice Director of district 3.
District 4: Nothing new since last week.  Mike requested the Board of Directors
to acknnowledge Tony Stone as Vice Director of district 4.
District 5: No report.
District 6: Director Dave indicated that the 145.21 in Lake Placid was
relinquished by Steve Wilkins and Bill Dibble would be applying.  The
Coordinator indicated that he has not received anything to date.
District 7: Reviewed the returned newsletters and has submitted recommendations
to the Database Manager.
District 8: Nothing new since last week.


The Coordinator was directed to allocate two pairs in the sub-442 band for
state- wide emergency use.  A request for four frequencies has been submitted
to FADCA (Russ Oder, N4KOX).  President Ray asked Bill Sinbine, N4XEO to check
into it.  A motion was made by Director Dave that no further coordinations be
issued on 146.940 MHz until this issue is resolved.  It will be discussed via
email and decided at the next meeting.  Motion seconded and passed unanimously.

Grandfathering of existing repeaters needs to be considered when determining
co-channel repeater coordination distances.  Considerable discussion followed.
A motion was made by Director Mike, as follows:

All existing coordinations issued prior to March 1, 2003 are grandfathered with
the coordinated 85 mile radius of protection until February 28, 2006, provided
that no technical changes are made to the repeater (only trustee, callsign,
sponsor or feature changes are allowed).  At that time, the new separation
distances take effect for all coordinations.  New coordinations issued as of
March 1, 2003 are performed with the new separation distances.  Only the
highest existing repeater is considered when determining separation.

The motion was seconded and approved.  


Create a procedure to deal with paper repeaters.  This issue will be discussed 
via email and a decision will be made at the next meeting.

The Database Manager has setup a server that allows the FRC staff to search and
print database records.  This server is limited to 10 different IP addresses in
a 12-hour period.  An unlimited version of Filemaker Pro costs $1,000.  The
server could also be the FRC Web server if a fixed IP address is assigned. 
This issue is tabled until the next meeting.  The Directors will try the server
to see if the IP limit becomes a problem.

Decide on permanent meeting place for the annual meeting.  This issue is tabled
until the next meeting.

Costs of printing and mailing twice-a-year newsletter have reached $1,900.  A
motion was made, seconded and approved to continue mailing a newsletter to all
coordinated trustees by first-class mail.

We could use PayPal to accept member dues.  We would be assessed a fee by
PayPal.  The fee could be passed onto the member.  Director Mike is in the
process of implementing it in his local club.  The fees are 2.9% plus 30 cents
per transaction (total of 59 cents).  A commercial account is required.  A
motion was made, seconded and approved to implement on-line donations.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM by President Ray Kassis.

Respectfully submitted
Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK