Florida Repeater Council, Inc. Minutes of Annual Business Meeting September 11, 1999 Melbourne, Florida The meeting was called to order at 5:07 PM on September 11, 1999 by President Ray Kassis, N4LEM, who determined that a quorum of qualified Directors were in attendance: Directors in attendance were: District 1: Nilo A. Hernandez, W4HN District 2: District 3: Karen A. Power, KD4DJX District 4: Paul Knupke Jr., KR4YL District 5: District 6: District 7: Ted Wirick, W7YJC District 8: Frank Butler, W4RH Staff Members in attendance were: President Ray Kassis, N4LEM Vice President: Ira R. Bickham Jr., K8HRR Secretary/Treasurer: Robert Cline, WB2NGZ Database Manager: Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK TREASURERŐS REPORT: The FRC Secretary/Treasurer reported the following accounting: Opening balance, 1/1/99: $5072.08 Expenses: $ 870.87 Income: $2868.00 Balance 9/10/99: $6849.21 Motion was made and seconded to accept the TreasurerŐs report as given. PRESIDENTŐS REPORT: Ray Kassis reported that it is the desire of the FRC Staff and Directors that the FRC run as smoothly as possible and stressed that he is available through a number of communications media. He assured the members present that he will respond to all queries addressed to him. The next meeting of the FRC will be held in Orlando in February pending an investigation into a Miami Hamfest meeting. (EditorŐs Note: The February FRC meeting will be held in Orlando) DATABASE MANAGERS REPORT: Dana Rodakis reported that there are presently 1060 coordinated repeaters in the State of Florida but that 227 of them have not been updated by submission of the biennial report. Those repeaters that have not been updated by January 1, 2000 will not be included in the ARRL Repeater Directory. A delinquent list was given to all Directors for their use in obtaining repeater reports. Dana reported that the FRC WEB site averages 90 hits per day. Dana is in need of greater repeater location accuracy and suggested that repeater coordinates included not only degrees and minutes but also seconds as well as nearest cross streets. The Database Manager will research the possibility of securing a new database software package which is more suited to the needs of the FRC. In conclusion the Database Manager requested that he be reimbursed for the FRC WEB site account which costs $19.95 per month, plus tax. He will also research the possibility of obtaining a new server. REPORTS OF DIRECTORS: District 1: Nilo Hernandez reported that a problem with the 443.525 repeater has been resolved in that the owner of the uncoordinated repeater has gone off the air and will apply for a new coordination. District 3: Karen Power reported that things have been going well in District 3 with the exception of continued interference between the Melbourne repeaters and the GMRS React repeater. District 4: Paul Knupke reported that the Metro Repeater Club has suffered a severe lightning strike and has been down for an excess of 30 days. District 7: Ted Wirick reported that things have been going well in his district in fact he experienced good cooperation with one repeater owner who dutifully reported his repeater out of service and then, after repair, reported it back in service. District 8: Frank Butler reported that things are going well. One repeater owner mover his repeater 15 miles and will report the relocation to the Database Manager. Another repeater owner put his repeater up on a pair which had been deactivated a year ago. He will also make a report to the Database Manager. There are still some occurrences of repeater interference with Alabama repeaters which have a 20 kHz spacing. OLD BUSINESS: Motion made by Paul Knupke that Mrs. Estevez, KB4AW be notified that she must make application for a new repeater pair within 90 days. Seconded by Nilo Hernandez. Motion passed unanimously. Motion made by Nilo Hernandez for coordination of repeaters below 442/447 in Districts 1 and 2. Assignments will be made on 25 kHz spacing beginning at 440.000 out and 445.000 in. Repeaters must be CTCSS access and coordination's will be conditional. Great care will be taken by the Coordinator to avoid existing links, both voice and packet. The national simplex frequency of 446.0 MHz will not be assigned as a repeater input. Motion seconded by Frank Butler. Motion passed unanimously. Motion by Nilo Hernandez that 53.53 MHz be released for coordination to FADCA for the use of the Prop Net. Motioned seconded by Frank Butler. Motion passed unanimously. Motion by Ted Wirick to allocate up to $1500.00 to the Database Manager to secure a new database software program. Motion seconded by Paul Knupke. Motion passed unanimously. Motion made by Frank Butler to allocate up to $850.00 for maintenance of the FRC WEB site under its present server or a new WEB site server. Motion seconded by Paul Knupke. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM by President Ray Kassis. Respectfully submitted Robert C. Cline, WB2NGZ Secretary/Treasurer