Florida Repeater Council, Inc. Minutes of Annual Business Meeting February 13, 1999 Orlando, Florida The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM by President Ray Kassis, N4LEM. He mentioned that at the last meeting in Melbourne, Florida was preceded by an open forum to allow the FRC membership to bring up any problems and interact with their Directors. It was deemed a success and the Directors received many positive comments. President Kassis then mentioned that District 6 Director Mike Gonzalez was not able to attend and did not wish to continue as Director. He also indicated that a motion would be entertained to appoint the FRC 6-meter coordinator, Matt Bush, KA9RIX as Director of District 6. Directors and staff were introduced. The following Directors were in attendance: District 1: Nilo A. Hernandez, W4HN District 2: Mark Filla, KS4VT District 3: Karen A. Power, KD4DJX District 4: Paul Knupke Jr., KR4YL District 5: John July, KA2VWW District 6: District 7: Ted Wirick, W7YJC District 8: Frank Butler, W4RH The following staff members were in attendance: President Ray Kassis, N4LEM Vice President Ira R. Bickham Jr., K8HRR Database Manager/Webmaster Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK INFORMAL OPEN FORUM: President Kassis then opened the informal member forum. The on-going interference complaint from the Metropolitan Repeater Association (MRA) (147.36) in Pinellas County about the co-channel repeater in Cocoa was mentioned by Director Butler and President Kassis briefed those at the meeting. The Cocoa repeater is located 50 miles beyond the minimum spacing for co-channel repeaters and is being operated properly. President Kassis indicated that he would like the Directors that desire it to perform frequency searches for amateurs in their districts. Tom Bench, KS4ZI, mentioned his interference problem with the co-channel repeater on 146.940 in Tampa. Tom and the Database Manager will write to the trustee of the Tampa repeater, Doug Brewer, KC4HAZ to request that he lower his output power. Ray Vaughan, KD4BBM, queried the staff about the approved coordinations below 442 MHz. President Kassis mentioned that the Directors of districts 1 and 2 are working to be sure that no existing link or packet frequencies will not be interfered with. The process is slow but methodical. Director Butler mentioned that if the repeater trustees don't submit link or repeater updates then they shouldn't complain if a repeater is placed in service below 442. Steve Barber, WA4B, queried the staff about a request for a coordination for NOFARS on 146.70. President Kassis turned-over the application to Database Manager Rodakis for processing. Steve mentioned that he tried to contact the Southeast Repeater Association about possible repeater pairs, the Georgia coordinator replied that he must contact the FRC. Database Manager Rodakis then explained the coordination process for proposed repeaters within 125 miles of the neighboring states to the North. David Trewin, KR4U, mentioned his on-going attempt to coordinate a pair in Pinellas County that is long inactive. He asked when he should place his proposed repeater on the air. The Database Manager told Dave to go ahead. He has been working with Director Knupke. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Kassis verified that a quorum was present and that the Directors and Staff present were qualified. President Kassis then opened the official FRC Board of Directors meeting. ELECTION OF PRESIDENT: President Kassis mentioned that it is time to reelect the President and Staff Members. The meeting was turned-over to Vice President Bickham, who opened the floor for nominations for President of the Florida Repeater Council. Ray Kassis, N4LEM was nominated, seconded and approved as President. DISTRICT 6 DIRECTOR APPOINTMENT: President Kassis then made a motion to appoint Matthew Bush, KA9RIX, as acting Director of FRC district 6. The motion was made, seconded and approved. STAFF REAPPOINTMENT: President Kassis then reappointed his staff, Database Manager/Webmaster Dana Rodakis, K4LK, Vice President Ira Bickham Jr., K8HRR, and 6-meter Coordinator, Matthew Bush, KA9RIX. Motion was made, seconded and approved. SECRETARY/TREASURER REPORT: The Secretary/Treasurer was not present to give a report nor did he send one in advance to be presented to the Board of Directors. REPORTS OF DIRECTORS: District 1: Nilo Hernandez reported that he was happy to announce that there are no problems. He received a round of applause. District 2: Mark Filla reports that he is in the process of notifying delinquent repeater owners to update their repeater data with the Database Manager. District 3: Karen Power reported that an interference problem to the 146.61 repeater in Melbourne has been corrected. She mentioned that Director Filla supplied trustee information for the 146.85 so that it could be updated since she wasn't able to do it herself. District 4: Paul Knupke reported that he's working on-going complaints of interference between co-channel repeaters. He is endeavoring to bring into conformance two upside-down repeaters. He mentioned that he sent a strongly-worded email and that he apologized for some of its contents. District 5: John July is attempting to get the database and software from the Database Manager so that he can contact delinquent repeater owners to update their repeater data with the Database Manager. He mentioned that he has been communicating with the Database Manager concerning new coordinations. He also mentioned that he has been in contact with the sponsors of the Orlando HamCation, and that due to the lack of attendance at the Orlando HamCation forums, the clubs in the area do not want to spend the money to hold forums. Director Hernandez mentioned having the annual business meeting in Miami. Director July mentioned that the By-Laws state that the annual business meeting be held at the Orlando HamCation in February. Director Hernandez offered to host the annual business meeting in Miami at the Tropical Hamboree. Amateurs have complained about having to travel to the meeting. Database Manager Rodakis mentioned that the By-Laws should be changed to strike any mention of a specific hamfest to hold the meeting. District 7: Ted Wirick reported that he is getting accustomed to his new position. He mentioned that he received communication from Tom Bench, KS4ZI, concerning 146.940. District 8: Frank Butler reports that everything is going smoothly in the panhandle. RE-ELECTION OF DIRECTORS IN EVEN NUMBERED DISTRICTS: President Kassis indicated that he had no idea which Directors submitted their qualification to serve as Director to the Secretary/Treasurer. He then entertained a motion to re-nominate and elect the Directors in districts 2, 4, 6 and 8. The motion was made, seconded, and approved. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Director Knupke suggested that the Board of Directors meet a third time each year to conduct additional business. He proposed an expansion of the 2-meter repeater allocations to include simplex frequencies beginning 146.405 on 15 kHz spacing with 1 MHz split. Considerable discussion followed. A notice will be placed on the web site. The decision will be made at the Melbourne meeting of the Board of Directors. President Kassis requested that the Directors make themselves as available as possible at hamfests and club meetings so that the general ham population can communicate with the Council more efficiently. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Secretary/Treasurer was not present. DATABASE MANAGERS REPORT: Database Manager Rodakis reported that there are now 1034 coordinated repeaters in the State of Florida. The Database Manager responded to numerous questions and problems posed by the several Directors. He mentioned that he was going to delete de-coordination lists for non-reporting and institute a new procedure that will omit repeaters that have not reported in the past three years from inclusion in the ARRL Repeater Directory. President Ray Kassis reminded the members that the next meeting of the Florida Repeater Council would be held at the Melbourne Hamfest in September 1999. The meeting was adjourned by President Kassis at 5:00 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK, Acting Secretary, Florida Repeater Council 6280 Fairfield Ave. So. St. Petersburg, Florida 33707 (727) 381-3344