Florida Repeater Council, Inc. Minutes of Corporate Meeting September 12, 1998 Melbourne, Florida The meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM by President Ray Kassis, N4LEM. Directors and staff were introduced. The following Directors were in attendance: District 1: Nilo A. Hernandez, WD4NLG District 2: Mark Filla, KS4VT District 3: Karen A. Power, KD4DJX District 4: Paul Knupke Jr., KR4YL District 5: District 6: District 7: District 8: Frank Butler, W4RH The following staff members were in attendance: President Ray Kassis, N4LEM Vice President Ira R. Bickham Jr., K8HRR Database Manager Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK Secretary/Treasurer Robert C. Cline, WB2NGZ The Secretary/Treasurer verified that a quorum was present and that the Directors and Staff present were qualified. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion made by Nilo Hernandez that the minutes, having been previously mailed to each Director and Staff member and published in the April newsletter, be accepted as published. Seconded and unanimously approved. PRESIDENT'S REPORT: President Ray Kassis reported that now that he has recovered from his open heart surgery that he is prepared to take over the job of new repeater coordinations. The president reported that he is available by home phone or FAX and business phone or FAX. SECRETARY'S REPORT: The Secretary/Treasurer requested and received several changes to Director and Staff vital statistics. TREASURER'S REPORT: The FRC account is held by the SouthTrust Bank of Port Orange. Beginning balance................. $4,337.78 (2/13/98) Expenses.......................... $ 870.29 Income (dues)..................... $1,350.00 Current balance ................. $4,817.49 (9/11/98) Motion made by Frank Butler, seconded by Paul Knupke to accept the Treasurer's Report. Unanimously approved. DATABASE MANAGERS REPORT: Dana Rodakis reported that there are now 1032 coordinated repeaters in the State of Florida. The Database Manager responded to numerous questions and problems posed by the several Directors. DISTRICT 5 DIRECTOR APPOINTMENT: The current District 5 Director, Alfred LaPeter Jr., W2IL, having submitted his resignation effective September 12, 1998 Frank Butler moved to appoint John July, KA2VWW, who was recommended by President Ray Kassis, to serve the remainder of the Directors term. Seconded by Mark Filla. Unamiously approved. OLD BUSINESS: Penalties for failure to update repeaters: President Ray Kassis recommended that the present procedure of decoordination for failure to update repeater data be closely monitored and enforced. Parallel database: President Ray Kassis opened discussion of the need for a parallel database and stated that he should have a system finalized by the time of the Orlando meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Motion made by Frank Butler that repeater coordinations be issued for 440 Mhz and up, with a 25 KHz separation, on a conditional basis in Districts 1 & 2 subject to FADCA frequency assignments and currently used link frequencies and that these coordinations exclude 441.000 and 446.000. Seconded by Nilo Hernandez. Unamiously approved. Having reviewed the evidence submitted by the parties in question motion was made by Nilo Hernandez that the request for coordination of the 146.955 repeater by Miguel A. Rodriquez, N4ONQ, be approved and that the coordination of Ms. Estevez, KB4AW, be decoordinated for lack of activity. Seconded by Mark Filla. Unanimously approved. REPORTS OF DIRECTORS: District 1: Nilo Hernandez reports that he continues to have problems with repeaters that have been off the air for an extended period of time. President Kassis reminded all Directors that it is their responsibility to advise repeater owners that they are subject to decoordination for inactivity in excess of 60 days. District 2: Mark Filla reports that he is in the process of notifying delinquent repeater owners to update their repeater data with the Database Manager. District 3: Karen Power is in the process of notifying delinquent repeater owners to update their repeater data with the Database Manager. District 4: Paul Knupke is endeavoring to bring into conformance two upside- down repeaters and one repeater where the callsign of a silent key is being used. District 5: John July will contact delinquent repeater owners and endeavor to have them update their repeater data with the Database Manager. District 8: Frank Butler reports that one of his repeater owners is having a problem with interference with an Alabama repeater and that he will advise him to submit application for another repeater pair. President Ray Kassis reminded the members that the next meeting of the Florida Repeater Council would be held at the Orlando Hamfest in February 1999 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned by President Ray Kassis, N4LEM, at 5:05 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Robert C. Cline, WB2NGZ FRC Secretary/Treasurer 101 Ponce DeLeon Circle Ponce Inlet, Florida 32127-7205 (904)-767-6782