Florida Repeater Council, Inc. Minutes of Corporate Meeting September 13, 1997 Melbourne, Florida The meeting was called to order at 3:05 PM by President Ray Kassis, N4LEM. Directors and staff were introduced. The following Directors were in attendance: District 1: Nilo A. Hernandez, WD4NLG District 2: Mark Filla, KS4VT District 3: Karen A. Power, KD4DJX District 4: District 5: Alfred LaPeter, Jr. W2IL District 6: District 7: District 8: Frank Butler, W4RH The following staff members were in attendance: President Ray Kassis, N4LEM Vice President Ira R. Bickham Jr., K8HRR Secretary/Treasurer Robert C. Cline, WB2NGZ Database Manager Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK 6 Meter Coordinator Matthew Bush, KA9RIX The Secretary/Treasurer verified that a quorum was present and that the Directors and Staff present were qualified. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: District 1 Director Nilo Herandez made a motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as published. Seconded and approved to accept the minutes as published. PRESIDENT'S REPORT: President Ray Kassis thanked everyone for attending the workshop and the meeting. It was also stressed that the Council is anxious to solve the problems with which it is confronted and encouraged all repeater operators to communicate with their Area Directors. Participation in 6 meter band activity was encouraged. The President thanked Database Manager Dana Rodakis for his excellent work. SECRETARY'S REPORT: The layout and format of the newsletter was briefly explained to the members present. Suggestions from the floor for improvement of the newsletter included the following: 1. Include one insert page with the dues coupon and a listing of new coordinations and decoordinations. Returned newsletters were turned over to the respective Directors for investigation. TREASURER'S REPORT: The FRC account is held by the SouthTrust Bank of Port Orange. Beginning balance..........$1173.84 Expenses...................$ 426.73 Income (dues)..............$2582.00 Current balance (9/13/97)..$3329.11 DATABASE MANAGER REPORT: Dana Rodakis reported that there are currently 1009 repeaters of which 337 are reported as toned. The Directors were encouraged to research their areas for "paper" repeaters. Many repeaters are in jeopardy of decoordination due to the lack of an annual report and/or activity. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that the Database Manager would research protective security measures for submitting coordinations and updates via the Internet access. Old Business: President Ray Kassis reported that George W. DuBose, Jr., AC4FQ, requested a polling of the Board of Directors regarding the decoordination of his 145.410 repeater as recommended by the District 1 and 2 Directors. All Directors present affirmed the decoordination decision except Nilo A. Hernandez, District 1 Director, who abstained. President Ray Kassis accepted a motion to continue research into the expansion of 440 voice repeater pairs to be completed prior to the Orlando meeting. Seconded and approved. Motion by Nilo A. Hernandez, District 1 Director, to change the Database Manager to Database Director and make the appropriate changes to the By-Laws to show that the Database Director is to be elected by the District Directors. Second by Frank Butler, District 8 Director. Approved. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that the Database Manager would send another letter to WB4EMJ and AB4CB regarding repeater interference and reinforcing the FRC position. New Business: Motion made, seconded and approved that the Database Director would research the feasibility of a statewide PL plan to be approved by the Board of Directors. Ray Kassis accepted a motion from the floor that the FRC does not issue any 12.5 Kc frequency splits pending committee recommendations. Seconded and approved. Motion made that the FRC would not participate in the NFCC coordination group. Seconded and approved. Motion made, seconded and approved that when an amateur is requesting coordination of a short spaced (less than 85 miles) repeater that he must submit a written agreement from both the coordinated and proposed repeater operators acknowledging and accepting the short spacing and the technical parameters agreed upon and that the conditional coordinations be approved by the Director(s) and the Database Director. Reports of District Directors District 1: The 145.210 and 145.190 repeaters are off the air. District 2: No report District 3: Correction to phone number listing. Reports a new ATV repeater in Palm Bay, a new 440 machine and a new 6 meter repeater. District 4: Absent District 5: No report District 6: By proxy - no report. District 7: Absent District 8: No problems The meeting was adjourned by President Ray Kassis, N4LEM, at 5:13 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Robert C. Cline, WB2NGZ FRC Secretary/Treasurer 101 Ponce DeLeon Circle Ponce Inlet, Florida 32127-7205 (904)-767-6782