Florida Repeater Council, Inc.
Minutes of the Annual Corporate Meeting
February 15, 1997
Orlando, Florida

The meeting was called to order at 3:12 PM by President Walt
Maxwell. Directors and staff were introduced.

The following Directors were in attendance:
  District 1: Nilo A. Hernandez, WD4NLG
  District 2: Mark Filla, KS4VT
  District 3: Ray Kassis, N4LEM
  District 4:
  District 5: Alfred LaPeter, Jr. W2IL
  District 6:
  District 7: David C. Myers, W4USA
  District 8: Frank Butler, W4RH

The following staff members were in attendance:
  President Walt Maxwell, W2DU
  Acting Secretary/Treasurer Robert C. Cline, WB2NGZ

President Maxwell asked for corrections to the minutes of the
prior meeting which had been mailed to all Directors. Hearing
no corrections or amendments motion was made, seconded and
approved to accept the minutes as distributed.

President Walt Maxwell tendered his resignation as President
of the FRC.

Treasurers Report: Walt Maxwell reported that on February 14,
1997 the account balance was $3570.13; current bills
amounting to $2285.39 leaving a balance of $1284.74 in the
FRC account held by SouthTrust Bank of Deland.

Report of Database Manager: Walt Maxwell reported that there
are currently 977 repeaters coordinated in the State of
Florida and 597 repeater operators.

Old Business: None

New Business:

* Chuck Burkey, K4EVA, Corporation Resident Agent, reviewed
  the State of Florida 1997 Nonprofit Corporation Annual
  Report and stressed that a new agent must be selected at
  the earliest convenience.

* Motion by District 1 Director Nilo A. Hernandez, WD4NLG,
  that the Database Manager, Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK, be
  classified as a Director of the FRC. This motion was tabled
  until the Melbourne meeting.

* Database Manager Dana G. Rodakis, K4LK, expressed a concern
  for coordination of 440 repeaters. This discussion was
  tabled until the Melbourne meeting.

* Walt Maxwell polled the Directors for reports:
   District 1: WA4EMJ hand delivered a repeater report
               regarding repeater interference to the 145.170
               repeater to Walt Maxwell.
   District 2: No report
   District 3: No report
   District 4: Absent
   District 5: No report
   District 6: Absent
   District 7: No problems
   District 8: Adjacent channel problems have been resolved

* Walt Maxwell and Chuck Burkey restated the duties and
  obligations of the Florida Repeater Council to the members

Nomination of Officers

* President: Walt Maxwell nominated Ray Kassis, N4LEM for
  President. Unanimously approved

* Database Manager Dana Rodakis, K4LK, presented a plaque of
  appreciation to outgoing President Walt Maxwell.

* President Ray Kassis nominated Karen Power. KD4DJX, to
  serve as Director of District 3. Unanimously approved.

* President Ray Kassis nominated Ira R. Bickham, Jr., K8HRR,
  to serve as Vice President. Unanimously approved.

* President Ray Kassis nominated Robert C. Cline, WB2NGZ, to
  serve as Secretary/Treasurer. Unanimously approved.

* President Ray Kassis requested approval to select
  Secretary/Treasurer Robert Cline to serve as Corporate
  Resident Agent for the FRC. Unanimously approved.

Report of the President

President Ray Kassis stressed the importance of the smooth
flow of communications between the members and the area
Directors in the spirit of amateur radio.

Report of the Database Manager

Database Manager Dana Rodakis reported that the FRC database
is currently online on the Internet, the address is:


* President Ray Kassis introduced William J. Sinbine, N4XEO,
  President of FADCA.

Open Discussion

* William J. Sinbine, N4XEO: Suggested the voluntary use of
  the same PL tone in grouped areas of the state. This would
  eliminate the probability of stations keying up multiple
  repeaters and the amateurs living in any particular area
  might only need one "postage stamp" PL.

* Gene Rosenberg, WF3I: Thanked FRC District 1 Director Nilo
  A. Hernandez, WD4NLG, District 2 Director Mark Filla, KS4VT
  and District 3 Director, Ray Kassis, for his help in 
  resolving a repeater interference problem.

* Allen L. Berryman, AD4RZ: Suggested that the usage of the
  arbitrary 85 mile repeater separation guideline should be
  replaced with an ERP separation guideline.

* Dennis M. Hamilton, AD4PS: Suggested that repeater owners
  should use only the power and ERP needed to cover the
  desired repeater coverage area.

* Jon E. Pearl, W4ABC: Suggested that all repeaters should be
  required to have a PL.

* Robert B. Perrin, Sr., W8PCZ: Suggested that the FRC
  regulate transmitter power in relation to antenna height.

* Ricardo Meane, K8MZA: Suggested that all letters of
  decoordination be sent by certified mail. After a short
  discussion President Ray Kassis recommended Ricardo Meane
  be appointed to the position of FRC Attorney. Unanimously

* Christopher J. Schwab, KD4PHS: Advised the members present
  that GTE gives residential rates for autopatch phone

* George W. DuBose Jr., AC4FQ: Recommended that the 145.410
  repeater in District 1 be decoordinated. After a short
  discussion President Ray Kassis requested the District 1
  and 2 Directors to meet with AC4FQ after the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned by President Ray Kassis, N4LEM, at
4:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Cline, WB2NGZ
FRC Secretary/Treasurer
101 Ponce DeLeon Circle
Ponce Inlet, Florida 32127-7205