Florida Repeater Council, Inc.
Minutes of the Annual Corporate Meeting
February 18, 1995
Orlando, Florida

The meeting was called to order at 3:05 PM by President Walt Maxwell. 
Directors and Staff were introduced.  Retiring district 2 Director Jean Hahn
was thanked for his efforts.  District 6 Director Jim Hall is retiring due to
ill health.

The gavel was turned over to Rev. Burkey to continue the meeting.  Rev. Burkey
dictated that this meeting is of a corporation and that Robert's Rules of Order
will be followed.  He indicated that the Directors have signed a certification
indicating that they are properly qualified to serve as Directors.

Rev. Burkey asked for corrections to the minutes of the Melbourne meeting that
were mailed to all Directors.  A motion was made, seconded and approved to
accept the minutes as read.

President Maxwell indicated that a new report form will be generated that is 4
pages long which will include a section for actual locations to the street
level for new coordinations, and that link and control frequency information
will be necessary for inclusion in the FRC database.  Rev. Burkey stressed that
any changes to a licensee's address or phone number be reported to the FRC as
soon as possible.  A motion to accept the President's report was made, seconded
and approved.

Rev. Burkey thanked all for their support for his efforts as
Secretary/Treasurer.  He indicated that when he started there were only 25
members and that there are now over 300 paid members of the FRC.  A motion to
accept the Secretary/Treasurer's report was made, seconded and approved.

President Maxwell indicated that Rev. Burkey has expressed a desire to retire
as Secretary/Treasurer and that he as accepted the position of Vice President. 
The President thanked him for his efforts.  Rev. Burkey thanked the President
for his comments.

Rev. Burkey read a letter from the auditors that indicated that the FRC
financial records are accurate and that the auditor's report is available for
inspection.  A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the auditor's
report as read.

Database Manager Maxwell indicated that the repeaters which have not been
updated by their trustees in 3 years have been de-coordinated and that these
are in rural areas and do not necessarily open up new pairs in congested areas.
 Rev. Burkey commented that after the pending de-coordination list was
published his mailbox became full with reports.  There are reports for 4
repeaters still pending.  Rev. Burkey indicated that Directors in districts 2,
4, 6 and 8 were elected.  Mark Filla, KC4YEV, was nominated for District 2
Director and the necessary signatures were received.  There were no other
nominations.  L. D. Brewer, KC4HAZ, was nominated for District 4 Director and
received many more signatures than are required for nomination.    Frank
Butler, W4RH, was nominated for District 8 Director and the necessary
signatures were received.  Rev. Burkey asked President Maxwell to nominate a
Director for District 6.  Mike Gonzalez, KE4FJJ, is recommended by retiring
Director Jim Hall.  A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept Mike as
the nominee for District 6 Director.  Rev. Burkey announced that a nominating
committee for the office of President was formed.  The committee announced the
nominee for President as Walter Maxwell, W2DU.  There were no further
nominations.  A motion was made, seconded and approved to close nominations.  A
motion was made, seconded and approved to instruct the Secretary to cast a
unanimous vote for Walter Maxwell as President.  The newly-elected President
was directed to appoint his Staff members.  The President re-appointed Matt
Bush, KA9RIX, as 6 meter Coordinator, and Dana Rodakis, AJ1R, as
220/ATV/Microwave Coordinator.  Rev. Burkey was appointed Vice President and
Management Consultant.  A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the
President's appointments.

Rev. Burkey then called for Old Business.  He reported that at the Open Mic
Forum at Melbourne, FADCA and the FRC had a productive meeting and that a
subsequent meeting was held at Ockachobee in December.  Director Baines
reported that the FADCA band plan was reviewed.  Director Brewer reported that
the plan has improved a great deal since Melbourne.  Director Kassis indicated
that the voice repeaters need priority and if this requirement is met, he would
recommend adoption of the plan.  Bob Owens, AA4RU, reported that Director
Brewer and he recommended that 430.050 - 431.025 be changed to 441.0 - 441.2,
and that 446.0 would be reserved for packet simplex.  The Jacksonville FICA
meeting was attended by Rev. Burkey and they reported that they have not been
contacted by FADCA and were displeased that FADCA is not responding to their
needs regarding coordinations.  No document can be found to indicate that FADCA
was designated to coordinate digital modes.  All FRC documentation (By-Laws,
coordination policy, etc.) was sent to FADCA with a request for the same from
them.  FADCA President Joe Kuntz, WB4TEM indicated that FADCA is building
itself back up and requested support from all to get going and provide proper
coordination service.  Bob Owens indicated that he received the FRC
documentation and that he did not realize that the FRC needed the same
information from FADCA until yesterday, February 17.  He indicated that the
FADCA coordination policy is patterned after the FRC policy.  He indicated what
type of digital devices would be coordinated, including protection from user
frequencies and included coordination rules.  All present devices would be
grandfathered if they were operating for at least one year.  Coordination
frequencies are as follows:

Band          Current                   Proposed

6 meter       None	             50.60  -  50.78
2 meter       None	            145.51  - 145.69
1.25 meter    None	            223.72  - 223.82
70 cm         430.000 - 431.025     440.975 - 442.200

No comments have been received on the new FADCA band plan.  Director Brewer
reported that the new plan will work even though it doesn't have as many
frequencies as originally requested.  Director Filla expressed concern as to
how current voice repeater link frequencies would be determined since it will
be some time before all such frequencies would be reported properly.  Rev.
Burkey and FADCA President Joe Kuntz stressed the importance of promptly and
accurately reporting such frequencies to avoid interference.  Chuck Hasp
indicated that link frequencies will be coordinated.  FADCA President Joe Kuntz
indicated that both the FRC and FADCA will notify the each other when granting
coordinations.  Bob Owens indicated that the easiest way to find an unused
frequency is to monitor it.  FADCA President Joe Kuntz indicated that the same
database could be used for both FRC and FADCA.  Jean Hahn expressed concern
that those that need a link or control frequency had better starting using one
before they are all taken by the digital modes.  FADCA President Joe Kuntz
indicated that he has eight 220 frequencies and that they are used very little
and that there are frequencies available.  FADCA is not trying to steal or hog
any frequencies.  The FRC and FADCA need to work together compatibly for the
benefit of the amateur community.  Bill Sinbaum indicated that the has 2 meter
and 70 centimeter and more frequencies are allocated to voice than digital. 
Director Kassis indicated that the band plan should be approved pending
cooperation and that the FRC should be granted final approval in the event of a
conflict.  Director Hernandez reiterated that the FRC needs to have approval
power in the event of a conflict.  Director Lee indicated that there are no
problems in district 5.  President Maxwell concurred with the comments
expressed thus far.  Director Baines indicated that the FRC coordinates by band
with a plan and that he was disappointed that all directors did not receive a
copy of the FADCA plan prior to the meeting.  He indicated that the plan is
very effective and will work.  FADCA President Joe Kuntz indicated that he sent
a copy of the plan to the President with the understanding that all would
receive a copy with the March newsletter.  Matt Bush expressed trust in
Director Brewer's judgment during development of the plan.  Bob Stong, WA4IIV,
former president thanked Bob Owens for his excellent work on the plan, but
expressed doubt that FADCA would be able to perform the coordinations properly.
 He indicated that maybe the FRC should do the coordinations and that FADCA be
abolished.  George Baustert, NY1H stressed that FADCA needs to support everyone
and accept input from all groups.  Chuck Hasp indicated that he visited the DX
cluster group in St. Petersburg a year ago.  A member expressed concern that
ATV frequencies would not be protected.  Bob Owens and Director Brewer
indicated that the four ATV frequencies are in the band plan and are protected.
 Dick, WD4SCD expressed concern that there will be no longer be any simplex
voice frequencies available.  Director Brewer indicated that the plan does not
allocate all simplex frequencies for digital, and there is nothing in the FCC
rules to indicate that it is illegal to transmit packet on a voice repeater
frequency.  He stressed that we need to give FADCA the power to coordinate
digital properly.  Once the plan is adopted, the available simplex voice
frequencies will be clearly evident.  Bob Owens indicated that no simplex voice
frequencies are defined by the FADCA plan.  Director Brewer stressed that much
of the usage needs to be by a gentlemen's agreement.  Paul Akin indicated that
simplex voice users should use the band as indicated in the ARRL plan.  Rev.
Burkey recommended that the FRC directors conditionally approve the FADCA plan,
that a copy be sent to all directors and that they respond quickly.  A motion
was made, seconded and approved to do so.  Director Filla indicated that he
needs to review the plan before conditionally approving it.  A conditional
approval vote was then taken from each Director:

Doug Brewer, KC4HAZ	Yes	Mark Filla, KC4YEV	No
Ray Kassis, N4LEM	Yes	Nilo Hernandez, WD4NLA	No
Lee Aurick, W1SE	Yes	Barry Baines, WD4ASW	Yes
Mike Gonzalez, KE4FJJ	Yes	Frank Butler, W4RH	Yes

With 6 Yes' and 2 Nos, the motion to approve the FADCA plan conditionally
passed.  Rev. Burkey then stated that the FRC needs to decide if FADCA is
capable of implementing the plan.  Bob Owens was questioned about FADCA's
financial ability.  He indicated that FADCA has the ability to publicize via
packet bulletins and advertise in Florida Skip.  Director Baines asked if first
class mailings are possible and can FADCA verify that all bulletin boards on
packet receive the publicity.  He stated that FADCA has been very poor in
communicating with its members in the past.  FADCA President Joe Kuntz stated
that FADCA is building itself back up and communication is improving.  FADCA
needs to begin coordinations to improve its financial ability.  George Baustert
stated that all packet users need to be notified of all policies if all digital
modes are going to be coordinated.  Director Hernandez expressed concern that
FADCA is not capable of handling coordinations at this time.  Bob Owens
indicated that upon approval of the FADCA plan, all known sources of packet
LANs and BBSs will be contacted for the most up-to-date list of current users. 
FADCA will exhaust all possible methods of contacting licensees of all LANs,
BBSs, Clusters, etc.  Bob Stong indicated that there were several sums of FADCA
funds that have not been accounted for.  He also stated that FADCA is incapable
of implementing this plan because of past performance.  He again suggested that
FADCA be disbanded and all FADCA officers should not be allowed to participate
in an FRC digital coordination subcommittee.  FADCA President Joe Kuntz
suggested that the discussion be continued off-line.  Another speaker stated
that the best solution is to make a digital coordination committee within the
FRC.  Rev. Burkey stated that the FRC and FADCA are state-recognized
corporations and that one cannot assume the responsibility of the other. 
Director Brewer stated that the FRC should do digital coordination until such
time as FADCA is capable and let's move on.  FADCA President Joe Kuntz
expressed support for Director Brewer's suggestion.  Director Brewer suggested
that an FRC staff person be appointed to coordinate digital.  Rev. Burkey asked
for comments and recommended support for Director Brewer's suggestions by
President Maxwell.  Director Baines was suggested as digital coordinator
because he is a former FADCA officer, but he stated that he was unable due to
prior commitments.  Director Brewer suggested that a committee of 3 directors
serve as digital coordinators.  Bob Owens indicated that we need to leave this
meeting with the ability to inform current users that their frequencies can be
coordinated.  Many speakers emphasized that it is not necessary to pay dues to
receive the coordination service.  A motion was made to continue the
relationship with FADCA until the Melborne meeting and coordination activity by
FADCA be monitored and approved by the FRC.  A vote was then taken from each

Doug Brewer, KC4HAZ	Yes	Mark Filla, KC4YEV	Yes
Ray Kassis, N4LEM	Yes	Nilo Hernandez, WD4NLA	Yes
Lee Aurick, W1SE	Yes	Barry Baines, WD4ASW	No
Mike Gonzalez, KE4FJJ	Yes	Frank Butler, W4RH	Yes

With 7 Yes' and 1 No, the motion passed.  Rev. Burkey expressed best wishes to
FADCA and looked forward to the Melborne meeting.  FADCA President Joe Kuntz
announced the next FADCA meeting will be at the University of Florida Health
Center in Gainsville on 2/25/95 at 11:30 AM.  The next meeting will be at the
Melborne hamfest.

Rev. Burkey announced that SlickSoft is publishing software to digitize the
ARRL repeater directory.  They have requested a copy of the FRC database to be
sold.  Several directors expressed concern that the database is copyrighted. 
Director Baines made a motion that the FRC should be willing to work with
SlickSoft in an attempt to negotiate some financial remuneration for use of the
database.  The motion was seconded and approved.

Director Hernandez motioned that the agenda be followed as written.  The motion
was seconded and approved.  Rev. Burkey then called for a report from the FRC
coordinators.  Dana Rodakis reported that in the past 6 months, he had
de-coordinated two inactive 220 repeaters in district 1 and one ATV repeater in
district 4, and had coordinated five new 220 repeaters in district 1, one ATV
repeater in district 4, one 902 repeater in district 1, one 902 repeater in
district 7, three 1240 repeaters in district 1 and one 1240 repeater in
district 5.

Rev. Burkey then called on each Director for a report.  Frank Butler, W4RH,
reported nothing new in district 8.  Mike Gonzalez, KE4FJJ, reported nothing
new in district 6.  Barry Baines, WD4ASW, requested that the membership in
district 7 promptly and properly report changes in repeater status.  Lee
Aurick, W1SE, reported nothing new in district 5.  Nilo Hernandez, WD4NLG,
indicated that he sent a letter to all Directors and coordinators recommending
that a certified letter be sent as a final appeal to a trustee before a
repeater is de-coordinated.  Since all frequencies are taken in district 1, the
information needs to kept current.  He stated that discussions about Miami
coordination problems be held off-line.  President Maxwell indicated that
inactive repeater licensees are lying about the status in an attempt to hold a
frequency.  He reiterated FRC policy that states a frequency can be
re-coordinated to a new licensee if a new repeater operates without complaints
for 60 days.  Ray Kassis, N4LEM, stated that there were no problems in district
3.  There is a normal amount of miscommunication.  All inactive (paper)
repeaters have been de-coordinated.  Mark Filla, KC4YEV, thanked his supporters
for his election to Director and stated that he is reviewing material he
recently received.  Doug Brewer, KC4HAZ, stated that everything is running
smooth in district 4.  Nilo Hernandez, WD4NLG, reported that licensees are
requesting frequencies and telling him that the repeater is active.  He
indicated that the database is inaccurate and there was two repeaters
coordinated on the same frequency in the same city.  Rev. Burkey emphasized
that a frequency is not owned by anyone and it cannot be bought or sold. 
Considerable discussion followed about amateurs holding frequencies.  Mike,
WB8ONY, expressed concern that somebody can take an inactive coordination in 60
days.  What about those that leave for the summer?  Rev. Burkey and President
Maxwell emphasized that all a trustee has to do is notify the database manager.
 A speaker requested clarification as to the duties of a Director.  Rev. Burkey
read the duties from the By-Laws.  There was considerable discussion about the
responsibilities and lack of authority.  A letter was sent to the Board by Rev.
Burkey.  There were several suggestions that the Directors do the preliminary
checking for the coordinators avoiding the conditional nature of every
coordination.  A suggestion was made to make the FRC database and other
information available via BBS.  This matter will be discussed further at the
Board meeting in Melborne.  Rev. Burkey made a motion to hold a Board meeting
before Melborne in May or June.  The motion was seconded and approved.  A
speaker expressed appreciation for the efforts of the FRC.  Motion to adjourn
was seconded and approved at 6:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Dana Rodakis, AJ1R, Acting Secretary